It shall be unlawful to commence the excavation for, or the construction of, or
to commence the moving, alteration, or demolition of any building including
accessory buildings, until the Administrative Officer has issued a building
permit for such work.
Building permits shall be required for all structures with a roof, as well as
walls, patios, and decks. Trees or shrubbery that are planted with in twenty
(20) feet of streets, roadways, or alleys will require a permit and must be in
conformity with Article 810-6.
No fee will be charged for permits involving trees or shrubbery. Dog houses
with less than
18 square feet of floor area and less than 4 feet in height
shall be exempt from building permit requirements, provided that all
required yards and set-backs for accessory buildings are maintained, and
provided that all dog houses with a related run or penned enclosures must
obtain a permit.

NOTICE: The Hartford/Beaver Dam Joint Planning Commission
encourages use of this site (www.occzoning.com). We hope you find it helpful and convenient. However
please be aware of the following.
The information presented may not include all recent changes. In the case
of meeting warnings and agendas, note the last-update date, and call the Joint
Planning Commission if you have questions. |
Minutes and other documents that may be available from this
site are not
Official copies and also may not include all recent changes. Official copies
can be obtained by contacting the either the Hartford or Beaver Dam City
Zoning information and related resources contained
herein provide preliminary
answers to basic zoning questions, but does not provide a full review
under the Hartford/Beaver Dam Joint Planning ordinance. While, many zoning
questions can be answered with a phone call to the Joint Planning Commission, most zoning and building permit permit applicants, or their representatives,
should plan on visiting the Hartford/Beaver Dam Joint Planning Commission office to get proper and complete review of their
application. |